Tuesday, December 27, 2011
STR8 SOUNDS end times disco VIDEO
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Secret Keys to Christian Meditation PODCAST
Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio
Sermon 56 "Secret Keys to Christian Meditation"
Meditation is based on the Latin root word "mederi" meaning to remedy, a medication. Isn't that interesting? Meditation is a form of mental healing or a fixing of something that is wrong or supplying something that is lacking in the mind.
The Bible tells us to meditate on God's thoughts and principles. But what exactly is the Christian form of meditation?
How can we get the Word of God into our souls so that it becomes our guiding Light and source of abundant Power?
Jesus said we should drink His blood and eat His flesh. Was this a reference to Communion? Or was it symbolic of meditating intensely on Him as the Word of God?
To devour the scriptures, probing and pondering them, and putting them into practice in our daily lives, is the essence of the spirituality that is based on Jesus Christ.
Christian meditation is the clearing of the mind of worldly thoughts as you sense the power of the Holy Spirit to guide your understanding during your study of the Bible.
Discover the secret keys that unlock the power of Christian meditation.
FREE mp3 download of "Secret Keys to Christian Meditation" available on our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode."
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
You Cannot Undo But You Can New Do
As we approach the end of another year, and prepare a list of what we hope to accomplish, or renounce, during the coming year, let's remember that what's been done is over, and can't be undone, but we can do new things and thereby, re-invent ourselves.
Harsh is the sting of conscience which can keep reminding us of past mistakes. Sometimes the dumb things we've said and done can rise up like a specter, a ghostly presence, smirking and hoping to thwart any upsurge of better deeds, like a captor attempting to prevent our escape from a gloomy behavioral prison.
When we resolve to abandon a mode of being, a bad habit, a poisoned aspect of our personality, the phantom of actions past blocks our way, snarling at us to abandon hope, to succumb to the comfort zone of inertia, and stop rebelling against what's wrong with us.
All we can do is admit the past deed was done, by us, but is no longer the pattern for future activity. We should be able to glare at it, peer into it, see all the unseemly facets and repercussions of the old mistake, without falling into it as though it were quicksand that rapidly sets into cement, barring our reformation.
You may wish, at times of weakness and unbridled fancy, to go back and undo the deed. But the past is gone. There's nothing you can do in that zone of time. All you can do is be more conscious of it, analyze it, comprehend its inner mechanisms and external contingencies, reject and abhor it, then move on.
If it was possible to re-inhabit the past, and we could fix things and change what we did, I think most of us would spend a lot of time there. Then what would happen to the present and the future? They'd be shipwrecked.
Why spend time wishing you could undo something? Spend that valuable time in the act of new doing. Be renewed in your doings. Start doing those things your best self knows you should do. Stop doing those things your conscience, your spiritual training, your philosophy tells you that you should not be doing.
Be glad you at least have the self-awareness to label something an error, a misguided decision, a failure of moral courage, a lapse in your elevated standards, sin or a mis-step -- and not embrace everything you've ever done as perfect, golden, and beyond critique.
You are not your past. You are a mixture of your past, what you're doing right now, and what you end up doing in the future. It's the fleeting now and the unknown but constantly arriving future that we can do something about.
I was once asleep in a dream that everything about me was glorious, everything I did, all that I ever said, all my ideas and opinions and beliefs. Then I hit rock bottom and started radically questioning my entire life and the contents of my mind and heart. It was painful. I began to see why I crashed, why my life was so destroyed.
Staring into the ugly face of our worst self can be terrifying and discouraging. But it must be done if we want to move on to new victories.
I was wary of the karma or consequences that were due to some of my bad actions and inferior attitudes. I resolved to start all over again, be a new me, and try to focus on what was good within me, reject what was bad, and seek more of the good and true.
My personal solution was to return to the faith of my youth, to become a Christian again, as Kierkegaard says, when I was already, supposedly, a Christian. I was a failed believer, a backslider, a shoot that grew up fast, then wilted slowly, unperceived, unnoticed until it was almost too late.
Identify what your best dreams and hopes were when you were younger, more innocent, less full of excuses for compromise and negligence. In some ways, we were wiser when we were younger. We may have had a clearer vision, unobstructed by the so-called realization of "mature realities" -- which is often just a thinly disguised loss of devotion.
The past? It's dead. Understand it as much as you can, then bury it and walk away, headed toward a better you, a stronger self, a more perfect person.
When you dismiss vain wishes to undo, and focus instead on what you can new do, you create bright, happy new memories that may, to some extent, overwhelm and negate those old memories of remorse and shame.
When that old bad memory arises, just divert your attention with "Yeah, but look at what I did last week, or what I'm doing now, which is a total departure from that."
Keep reminding yourself: "I can't undo, but I can new do."
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Why God is Called Light PODCAST
Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio
Sermon 55 "Why God is Called Light"
Discover why the Bible says God is light. What does that mean? Why is light a great and common symbol of God?
While the Bible warns against pagan worship of sun, moon, and stars, it also praises them as wonderful creations of God. The sun during the day and the moon at night are symbolic of God observing everything that happens here on Earth. God's presence, awareness, and supreme majesty are represented by lights in the sky.
Scientists tell us that sunlight can improve our mood, fertility health, regulate our sleep patterns and hormone levels (particularly melatonin and seratonin), facilitate vitamin D production for healthy bones, and may even decrease Alzheimer symptoms.
If God is light, who or what is darkness? What does it mean to walk in light and to be children of light? Why is darkness so dangerous and to be avoided?
When the Word of God refers to light, what is the context and how can we apply this knowledge to our daily lives?
How do we know if we have found the True Light? How do we remain within this True Light and not be deceived by False Light?
FREE mp3 download of "Why God is Called Light" available at our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode."
Friday, December 16, 2011
What Christianity SHOULD Look Like VIDEO
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Being Great with God PODCAST
Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio
Sermon 54 "Being Great with God"
Many people want to be great, successful, and famous in a field of endeavor, whether it be art, music, business, technology, literature, philosophy, sports, or some other area.
They dream of others adoring them, writing articles about them, asking for their autograph, and being praised in various media. Often this is a striving for excellance and altruistic achievement, but there is generally a strong ego involved and a need to be loved, recognized and appreciated.
It's good to have noble goals and lofty ideals. But what is the ultimate value of worldly accomplishment? Within 50 to 100 years or less, it's doubtful that anyone will remember what we did or care about us.
Let's be more concerned with pleasing, honoring, and praising God in our brief time here on Earth. What we do for God will be a blessing that endures in the halls of Eternity and we will achieve an exalted status in Heaven.
Discover how to be great in God's mind, how to be popular in the everlasting heavenly realms, how to work for the Kingdom of God and receive eternal treasures, rewards, and recognition.
FREE mp3 download of "Being Great with God" available at our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode."
Sunday, December 11, 2011
STR8 SOUNDS End Times Shuffle VIDEO
Str8 Sounds "End Times Shuffle".
From "Music for the End Times" CD, released December 14, 2011, on Radiant King Recordings.
End times shuffle,
it's so sweet.
Come on now,
shuffle to the end times,
slide your feet.
end times,
music video,
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Bad Pastors and Corrupt Ministry Leaders PODCAST
Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio
Sermon 53 "Bad Pastors and Corrupt Ministry Leaders"
One of the biggest problems that Jesus dealt with while on Earth was bad religious teachers. Misguided spiritual authorities can be a very subtle and hard to discern danger.
In fact, the #1 enemy of Jesus Christ and the gospel of salvation was, and still is, Churchianity, the religious leaders who exalt themselves as unquestionable.
They tend to seek personal influence, growing membership, and increased funding, instead of leading people to the truth about God. They violate the principles of the priesthood of all believers and Christ as the head of the church not as a creed but in actual practice.
We must have our guard up at all times, for even wonderful, sincere, and correct pastors and founders of religious organizations can fall through temptation or false doctrine.
A pastor can be full of correct doctrine about salvation and God, but can also have some weird or evil ideas, or can be sneaking around with sinful indulgences, or behaving in crazy ways, but most of his followers will ignore or explain away such things.
Find out what Jesus said about false prophets and hypocritical Bible teachers. Discover how Jesus dealt with these secret snakes that continue to lurk in churches, temples, and spiritual organizations.
Learn to be bold and uncompromising when you confront a religious leader who is failing to fully obey God's Word, teaching false doctrine, making crazy statements, hiding a wicked vice, or raving about something that is not edifying.
Sooner or later you will encounter a bad pastor or ministry leader. Be prepared mentally and spiritually for the conflict or the decision to leave an organization that may have been good at one time, but is now corrupted.
FREE mp3 download of "Bad Pastors and Corrupt Ministry Leaders" at our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode."
ministry leaders,
Friday, December 9, 2011
Is It Sinful to Play Violent Video Games? PODCAST
Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio
Sermon 52 "Is It Sinful to Play Violent Video Games?"
The Red Cross has recently raised the issue of investigating whether the Geneva and Hague conventions should be applied to the fictional recreation of war in video games.
In other words, they are asking if humane treatment should be enforced in video games that simulate war. Is a gamer guilty of vicarious war crimes, or being trained to be a war criminal, if he violates international law regulating the conduct of war?
Or should video games operate free from the humanitarian laws governing physical combat and treatment of prisoners?
What message is being conveyed to gamers if they can commit sadistic, brutal acts of cruelty in a video game that would not be acceptable in real life?
In this episode, we'll consider what sin is, how it darkens the heart, and whether cruelty in the imagination, in a fictional realm, is as bad as committing a violent or perverse act in real life.
Is it a matter of separating fictional activity from actual events or is it an issue of what is motivating a person to imagine a sin that he might not ever commit in real life?
What does the Bible say about mental sin vs. actual physical enactments of sinful behavior?
Is there a sharp division between imagination and actualization?
Should Christians consider violent video games as just entertainment, fun, and fictional? Or should Christians abstain from all forms of evil, including vicarious crimes?
Is sin a physical act or can it also be just a thought? Is sin a mode of ungodly behavior or can it also be an attitude of heart, an orientation of soul, a mental event?
FREE mp3 download of "Is It Sinful to Play Violent Video Games?" on our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode."
video game,
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
False Light is the Darkest Darkness PODCAST
Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio
Sermon 51 "False Light is the Darkest Darkness"
Many people are going to hell, and their mortal lives are destroyed, because a False Light has blinded them to the True Light.
When a person is groping for truth, seeking God, craving salvation, and desperate for spiritual truth, a good presentation of the Gospel can reach their hearts. They know they're empty and need to be filled with God's power and rescued by His love.
But those who are satisfied with counterfeit religion, deceptive philosophy, or occult delusions will not be as receptive to God's Word as someone who is void of any semblance of spiritual teaching.
This is a very sad and difficult, the person who thinks they have found what they need, the man or woman who is no longer searching, who is smug and self-congratulatory, who is not interested in examining the claims of Christ.
Sometimes the False Light is a heretical form of Christianity, a devilish distortion of Bible teachings, or a seemingly orthodox church that has been corrupted.
Other times the False Light is a pastor, founder of a ministry, popular Christian author, or religious scholar that people admire and idolize, someone who has taken the place of the Lord, in a subtle or public manner.
When the tragic day arrives that the followers see that the leader is misleading, hypocritical, or sinful, they may lose their faith in God and descend into spiritual numbness and moral apathy. The end result can be a personal wickedness that undoes all the spiritual gains that were achieved, and a feeling of futility.
Beware of following any human being, metaphysical tradition, or religious institution to the point of relying totally on them for spiritual guidance.
Learn how to be spiritually independent and secure in the Lord Jesus Christ as your only leader and guide.
FREE mp3 download of "False Light is the Darkest Darkness" available on our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode."
Monday, December 5, 2011
A Sneak Preview of Heaven PODCAST
Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio
Sermon 51 "A Sneak Preview of Heaven"
What will we do in Heaven? Who will be there? How do you get an eternal home in Heaven? What is Jesus Christ doing in Heaven right now?
Will our beloved pets be in Heaven? Will we eat food in Heaven? Will we have sex in heaven? Will there be alcohol or drug highs in Heaven?
Can tribes and individuals who never had a chance to hear about Christ still go to Heaven somehow? What prevents a person from going to Heaven?
Will everyone be equal in Heaven, or will people have different rewards, status, responsibilities, and experiences in Heaven?
How does what we do in this life impact what we experience in Heaven? Are we designing our eterhal life by what we do on Earth right now?
Is there any possibility of sin or sickness appearing in Heaven? Will we have work to do in Heaven? What age will we be in Heaven?
Will we recognize loved ones in Heaven? Will there be music, art, theatre, construction projects, or creativity and innovatin in Heaven?
Will there be any possibility of falling from Heaven into Hell, like Lucifer fell from Heaven and became the Devil? Why can't demons or fallen angels or even Satan himself be saved and admitted into Heaven?
Get a special, Bible-based glimpse of Heaven, along with some personal speculations and theories about Heaven, that will attempt to answer some of these interesting questions. We will also provide some tentative ideas and musings on Heaven, to provoke your own contemplative thinking and Biblical research into this fascinating topic.
FREE mp3 download of "A Sneak Preview of Heaven" at our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode."
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Will Heaven Be Boring? PODCAST
Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio
Sermon 49 "Will Heaven Be Boring?"
Some people actually think heaven will be perfect and peaceful, but not all that exciting. They even say they want to have fun now, in this life, because they think heaven will be boring.
One reason people worry that Heaven might be "boring" is because they are too attracted to worldly amusements, shopping, video games, movies, sports, making money, travel, art, music, and various cravings.
They consider these fleshly interests and carnal activities to be exciting and fun, but don't relish spiritual pursuits like prayer, Bible study, evangelism, ministry to the homeless and poor, missionary work, fellowship with other believers, and quiet contemplation.
They also don't realize how creative, exciting, and imaginative God is, as revealed in nature, humanity, and the universe.
Discover what heaven will really be like, based on Bible texts and the application of spiritual truth to daily life. Thrill to the reality that heaven will be far more interesting and exciting than anything the world has to offer.
FREE mp3 download of "Will Heaven Be Boring?" at our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode."
Saturday, December 3, 2011
What God is Doing in the World Today PODCAST
Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio
Sermon 48 "What God is Doing in the World Today"
You rarely hear anyone talking about pride coming before a fall, or reaping what you sow, or leaders taking responsibility for their bad decisions, or sin being punished, yet these are the mainsprings of life and they are the underlying realities of what's going on in the world.
But what is God doing in the world today?
Televangelists and church pastors seem to be telling us about God. But what do they say?
All they typically do is talk about what God has done in the past (Old Testament, Gospels, Book of Acts) or what He will do in the future (Book of Revelation). They preach doctrines and success principles, but rarely explain what God's reactions are to what's going on.
Discover what God's activities are in the world and how everything that happens is a result of humanity either obeying or disobeying God's Word.
Discover what God's activities are in the world and how everything that happens is a result of humanity either obeying or disobeying God's Word.
There is a spiritual war going on between God and the Devil, between the forces of light and the powers of darkness, and the more you understand this scenario, the better you'll understand why things happen the way they do.
FREE mp3 download of "What God is Doing in the World Today" on our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode."
FREE mp3 download of "What God is Doing in the World Today" on our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode."
Friday, December 2, 2011
Secret Keys to Christian Meditation PODCAST
Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio
Sermon 56 "Secret Keys to Christian Meditation"
Meditation is based on the Latin root word "mederi" meaning to remedy, a medication. Isn't that interesting? Meditation is a form of mental healing or a fixing of something that is wrong or supplying something that is lacking in the mind.
The Bible tells us to meditate on God's thoughts and principles. But what exactly is the Christian form of meditation?
How can we get the Word of God into our souls so that it becomes our guiding Light and source of abundant Power?
Jesus said we should drink His blood and eat His flesh. Was this a reference to Communion? Or was it symbolic of meditating intensely on Him as the Word of God?
To devour the scriptures, probing and pondering them, and putting them into practice in our daily lives, is the essence of the spirituality that is based on Jesus Christ.
Christian meditation is the clearing of the mind of worldly thoughts as you sense the power of the Holy Spirit to guide your understanding during your study of the Bible.
Discover the secret keys that unlock the power of Christian meditation.
FREE mp3 download of "Secret Keys to Christian Meditation" available at our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode".
Lake of Peace Within PODCAST
Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio
Sermon 47 "Lake of Peace Within"
In the Bible, inner turmoil and anxiety are often symbolized as stormy seas. When we get born again, Jesus calms the turbulent waves within our souls when we look to Him in confidence and love.
Christian theology has tended to limit "peace" to man's reconciliation with God, the serenity that comes from knowing we are not destined for an eternity in hell, and being no longer in a war against God and His laws.
But how do you actually experience tranquility when in the midst of trouble, anxiety, persecution, confusion, poverty, sickness, or failure? In other words, what does a Christian, God-oriented self-calming look like in practice?
Discover how to feel a smooth lake of peace floating gently in your soul as you trust, obey, and love God with all your heart.
FREE mp3 download of "Lake of Peace Within" at our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode."
Thursday, December 1, 2011
STR8 SOUNDS the rapture is almost here VIDEO
music video,
Str8 Sounds
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
A Steady Trust in God PODCAST
Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio
Sermon 46 "A Steady Trust in God"
How to get rid of anxiety, stress, fear, dread, and despair -- by developing a steady trust in God.
Fear and cowardice are sins. God will not allow such mental disturbances in heaven, so we must eliminate them now. There are no exemptions from the command of Jesus Christ that we "take no thought" about our material possessions and survival needs.
"Have no anxiety" means we should not allow our hearts to be troubled, but if we do succumb to dread or despair, we must confess these mood and mentalities as sins against God, as disobedience to His will.
Our goal in this life is to be as heavenly now as we will be in heaven. We cannot wait for God to perfect us eventually, we must strive for perfection with His power and love to help us.
A sporadic, hit or miss trust in God will not pull us through the tough times ahead. Learn how to refine and reinforce your current faith until it becomes a powerful weapon against all the forces of darkness and tricks of the adversary.
FREE mp3 download of "A Steady Trust in God" on our Blog Talk Radio page. Right click on "Download This Episode."
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
The World According To Ecclesiastes PODCAST
Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio
Sermon 45 "The World According To Ecclesiastes"
Is the chaos and dysfunctionality of this world making you depressed? Cheer up. It has always been messed up, as our tour through the book of Ecclesiastes will show.
There is "nothing new under the sun." Just changing combinations of the same old junk. You drink the same water Jonah jumped into.
All the stupidity and cruelty keeps circulating endlessly, recycling relentlessly, being "reborn" with every new generation.
Nobody learns from the past, or pays attention to the present, or cares about the future. There has NEVER been a "Golden Age" of anything.
The "good old days" and "the coming New Age" are a myth. Some things are getting better, but most things are getting worse.
Ecclesisastes is a book of godly cynicism toward the horrible mess this world is in and how the believer in God should look at it.
This book doesn't pull any punches. It lays out exactly what's wrong with the world system of domination and exploitation. It also gives us a solid, practical viewpoint that can help us manage our lives in the evil, stupid, and insane world in which we sojourn.
"That which is crooked cannot be made straight, and that which is lacking cannot be numbered." Ecclesisiastes 1:15
We will consider the existential, skeptical, ethical, and deconstructive aspects of the contemplative thought that is expressed in Ecclesiastes, and the answers it provides for many of today's troubling issues
Discover how the profound philosophy of Ecclesiastes can actually encourage you to keep striving to succeed and win your battles, for as the world grows darker, you just shine that much brighter.
FREE mp3 download of "The World According To Ecclesiastes" on our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode."
Monday, November 28, 2011
Spirit vs Flesh PODCAST
Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio
Sermon 44 "Spirit vs. Flesh"
An examination of Romans 8 and other scriptures dealing with the difference between spirit and flesh, the metaphysical vs. the physical, the immaterial vs. the material realm.
This involves the separation of born again believers from the ideas and practices of the world, which is under the temporary control of dark, demonic, atheistic forces.
How do you know if you are walking in the Spirit, or falling into the darkness of the flesh, the devil, and the world?
Find out how to stay in the light and conduct your affairs in the power, joy, and holiness of Christ in you.
Discover the extreme superiority of living according to the spirit, instead of degenerating into a life led by the impulses, thoughts, and cravings of the body and the interests of the world-conditioned mind.
FREE mp3 download of "Spirit vs. Flesh" at our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode."
Holy Spirit,
spiritual combat,
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Christian Radicalization Network Theme 7 VIDEO
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Christian Radicalization Network Theme 6 VIDEO
Are There Special Anointed Leaders Today? PODCAST
Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio
Sermon 43 "Are There Special Anointed Leaders Today?"
What does the word "anointing" mean? Is anyone anointed today?
Some false Christian teachers, fake apostles, and bad pastors run to the cover of "touch not my anointed" when you try to examine their doctrines, morality, or "miracles" and test them by the light of God's Word.
Some will even pronounce a curse or death wish on anybody who dares to scrutinize them or question their statements and practices.
What does the Old Testament scriptural phrase "touch not my anointed" mean? To whom did it refer? Did it mean to never question, criticize, or scrutinize a person?
Can a service, ministry, music, prayer cloth, website be "anointed"? When charismatic groups say "anointed" are they using the word correctly? Why has "anointed" become a buzz word implying "specially empowered for miraculous works" or "better than others"?
Are special leaders anointed -- or is every Christian believer the recipient of an anointing from God?
FREE mp3 download of "Are There Special Anointed Leaders Today?" on our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode."
Friday, November 25, 2011
Sermon Collecting PODCAST
Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio
Sermon 42 "Sermon Collecting"
Learn how to rapidly grow in spiritual wisdom, power, and maturity by collecting sermons.
How to find audio files of good, FREE sermons on the internet. You can download the mp3s, burn them to CD, and store them in archive cases, creating a wonderful treasury you can hand down to your children.
Specific URLs (website addresses) and names of recommended preachers and teachers will be provided to help you quickly accumulate a "portable seminary" of Biblical knowledge.
FREE mp3 download of "Sermon Collecting" on our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode."
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Why I Love Jesus PODCAST
Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio
Sermon 41 "Why I Love Jesus"
One way that I test the spirits and those who represent Christ is to ask them one question: what do you like best about Jesus?
One time, an old man from a local giant church came to visit. He could barely walk. It was cold and windy outside. When I asked him this question, he seemed taken off guard. He mumbled some theological doctrine, and I felt sorry for him.
If you really love Jesus, and have a genuine relationship with the Lord, you'll be overflowing with reasons why you adore Him.
Discover, in this sermon, why I, Steven Streight, love Jesus with all my heart, because of the many times He showed his love by helping me, rescuing and repairing me. I love Jesus because of His power, personality, and presence.
FREE mp3 download of "Why I Love Jesus" on our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode."
Ralph Sexton Jr. preaches God is Good
Brother Ralph Sexton Jr. is one great preacher of God's Word. He is involved in a lot of different ministry functions and organizations, a very busy man.
The work and ministry of Sermonindex can be encapsulated in this one word: REVIVAL. sermonindex is not a organisation, business, or any attempt by man to build something for God. It is rather a expression of a heart burden to see the Church revived and brought back to holiness, purity, and power with God.
"The mission of SermonIndex is the preservation and propogation of classical vintage preaching and the promotion of genuine biblical revival to this generation."
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Meditations on the Beatitudes PODCAST
Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio
Sermon 40 "Meditations on the Beatitudes"
The 8 Blissful States -- in the light of today's world.
What does "poor in spirit" really mean, in practical terms, in our consciousness and behavior, in our daily lives?
Why is it good to "mourn"? What is "pure in spirit"? Is a "peacemaker" the opposite of a warmonger or is it just a calm, non-stressful person?
We take a close, fresh look at what is perhaps the most famous sermon of all history, the speech by Jesus Christ known as The Sermon on the Mount.
Due to time constraints, we'll narrow our field of examination and focus on the introductory statements, known as The Beatitudes, or The Blessed Be's, the 8 Blissful States of Being.
Someone recently said that while it's sad to see the 10 Commandments removed from schools and public places, the Sermon on the Mount is so radical, it would never be posted publicly.
President Obama said, in a 2006 speech, in justifying not using the Bible as a basis for politics, that if the Sermon on the Mount was government policy, it would be "so radical that it's doubtful that our own Defense Department would survive its application." Later he said the economy couldn't survive without it.
Why is this sermon of Jesus so controversial? Is it possible to live according to its ideas and demands? Are they hyperbole, exaggerations, ideals expressed in super extreme language just to be memorable? Or are they challenging us to strive for the perfection that is God Himself?
Why would Jesus praise these qualities if they were unattainable or unsustainable? Will He give us the power and wisdom we need to implement such lofty ideals?
If Jesus said "Blessed be..." various types of people, how can we start to be such people in our practical, daily lives?
Excerpts from John Shore's article in the Huffington Post "The Beatitude Attitude: 9 Tips for Avoiding Family Stress Over the Holidays" is quoted as the prologue to our discourse.
FREE mp3 download of "Meditations on the Beatitudes" on our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode."
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
This World is a Hell PODCAST
Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio
Sermon 39 "This World is a Hell"
This world is a hellish place because the devil is the temporary ruler of the domination systems now operating in great wickedness.
"Hell" can be described as a place where Satan is allowed to perform nefarious, diabolical deeds and where hellish events, like war, poverty, rape, child abuse, corporate greed, exploitation, betrayal, depression, frustration, insanity, government corruption, deception, and sadism occur.
Thus, this world is a hell.
In spite of the hellish nature of this fallen and sinful world, there is some beauty, love, and tranquility within it, now and then, and we should also appreciate these positive aspects of life.
This world provides a few moments of relief from hellish events and sorrow, and those sporadic spots of calmness and happiness are the only glimpses of paradise that unsaved people will ever experience.
Bible verses will be examined that speak of this world as a place of growing darkness, where evil forces abound, and yet the light of God's love and peace can also be found.
Realizing that this world is a hell, a precursor or prologue to the ultimate, eternal hell of the lake of fire, we should be more sober, vigilant, and enthusiastic for sharing our faith and leading others to the joy and power and blessings available from God in Christ.
FREE mp3 download of "This World is a Hell" on our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode."
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Loving God With Your Entire Mind PODCAST
Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio
Sermon 38 "Loving God With Your Entire Mind"
Discover how to love God mentally, with your intelligence, your powers of observation and contemplation.
How to select the most relevant and powerful Bible verses to run through your mind in your combat against sin and deception.
How to contemplate God's Word and the blessings of Nature as you grow in mystical precision and Christian maturity.
How to keep your mind spiritually fresh and dynamic by praising God, recalling His many blessings, and thanking Him joyfully at all times.
FREE mp3 download of "Loving God With Your Entire Mind" at our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode."
Friday, November 18, 2011
Joe Reese do you love the Lord? VIDEO
Northfield Bible Weeks Joe Reese Sat 17th July 2010 from Philip Cousins on Vimeo.
Joe Reese at Northfield Bible Weeks, July 17, 2010
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Spiritual Combat Zone of the Mind PODCAST
Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio
Sermon 37 "Spiritual Combat Zone of the Mind"
Discover how to defeat the forces of darkness with special renewed mind techniques, super prayer, intense contemplation, scripture study, and other methods.
Find out how satanic attacks often target your consciousness: anxiety, stress, confusion, false teaching, seductive ideas, mysterious rituals, esoteric technologies, fear, nightmares, panic, depression, guilt, remorse, mental blocks, shyness, obsessions, cravings, delusions, dementia, and other aberrations that will weaken or completely defeat you.
Explore ways to strengthen your mind and build a fortress of spiritual defense internally, with a profound tranquility and sharp insight into mystical realities.
FREE mp3 download of "Spiritual Combat Zone of the Mind" on our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode".
spiritual combat
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Secrets of Spiritual Combat PODCAST
Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio
Sermon 36 "Secrets of Spiritual Combat"
Crucial techniques, methods, and insights related to mystical struggle against the forces of darkness.
How to prepare our minds for metaphysical warfare, who the enemy is, how to fight effectively, and how to protect our church.
FREE mp3 download of "Secrets of Spiritual Combat" on our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode".
discerning of spirits,
spiritual combat
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Discerning of Spirits, Part 4 PODCAST
Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio
Sermon 35 "Discerning of Spirits, Part 4"
As we conclude our exploration of discernment, or mature judgment in general, and discerning of spirits in spiritual warfare, we examine instances of Jesus dealing with unclean spirits.
Discover what spiritual warfare really is, and what the Bible says about our duties as warriors for the Kingdom of Heaven and the glory of God in Christ.
We also look at how we engage in spiritual combat against our own darkness, darkness in other individuals, darkness in society, and dark forces in the celestial realms.
FREE mp3 download of "Discerning of Spirits, Part 4" on our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode".
discerning of spirits,
spiritual combat
Monday, November 14, 2011
Discerning of Spirits, Part 3 PODCAST
Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio
Sermon 34 "Discerning of Spirits, Part 3"
We take a close look at how Jesus dealt with the devil, people driven by devilish motivations, and demonic spirits possessing people.
How dark forces inhabit and influence worldly institutions and organizations is also unveiled.
FREE mp3 download of "Discerning of Spirits, Part 3" on our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode".
discerning of spirits,
spiritual combat
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