Sunday, November 6, 2011

Free Methodist Church and the sign of the horns

The image above is from the website of the Free Methodist Church USA, their News and Events page.

See anything odd about it?

Look at the hand signal in the lower right corner. That is the devil salute, the standard sign of Satanism, sometimes called the rock and roll salute, maloik, or the sign of the horns.

Now why would the FMC USA be displaying this well-known hand sign on their website? An accident? Unintentional? An unfortunate coincidence? A sloppy photographer's negligence to recognize an occult demonic symbol?

Or a deliberate flashing of the real inner core of the denomination?

I hope this is just a mistake, and not intentional.


1 comment:

  1. It's just a typing hand. They probably never even thought about the sign of the horns. Since we are talking about Christians, I'd say they have no business with satan other than to keep him away and pursue victory over him (which, with God, can and will be achieved). We do not have to fear worthless symbols and rites, as long as we stay clear of them ourselves. As this was almost undoubtedly an accident, I don't think there's much wrong with it.


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