Monday, October 31, 2011

Ban Halloween PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 21 "Ban Halloween"

Why is Halloween allowed to be a national holiday?

What does the Bible say about witchcraft, sorcery, divination, astrology, and other New Age occult practices?

Halloween is terrible child abuse: frightening young children with demonic masks and costumes and haunted houses. Did you know that Halloween is the favorite, and most unholy, day of the year for witches and Satan worshipers?

What a horrible tradition -- having children go house to house, begging for junk food candy, when we have a national childhood obesity problem. Diabetes, tooth decay, hyperactivity, and many other negative conditions are encouraged by children consuming large amounts of candy.

People are more spooky today that in years past. How can you trust strangers, when it comes to handing food to your kids, even in your own neighborhood?

To let your children consume candy and other edible items from people you don't really know -- then the rest of the year tell them not to talk to or accept food from strangers? Contradictory. Absurd. Potentially dangerous.

Michelle Obama should get the President to sign an executive order banning Halloween it nationwide.

Let's also take a deep look at God's opinion of magic and the occult, which much of Halloween is based upon.

FREE mp3 download of "Ban Halloween" sermon on my Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode".

Ban Halloween by Presidential Executive Order

Halloween Canceled Throughout the Northeast USA -- Hooray! -- Good Riddance to This Abusive Pagan Practice

"Storm Closes Hundreds of Schools Across Northeast"

Good news. A large section of the USA will not celebrate Halloween via the traditional trick or treat nonsense. This occult spook fest has been canceled due to power outages and heavy snowfall.

Before you rush to accuse me of being a cranky Christian, let me say that I do feel sorry for those who are without power, short on food and water, and cannot travel due to the snowstorms.

But I do rejoice that a despicable idiotic pagan ritual, called Halloween, has been disrupted.

What terrible child abuse: frightening young children with demonic masks and costumes and haunted houses.

What a horrible tradition -- having children go house to house, begging for junk food candy, when we have a national childhood obesity problem. Diabetes, tooth decay, hyperactivity, and many other negative conditions are encouraged by children consuming large amounts of candy.

People are more spooky today that in years past. How can you even trust strangers, even those in your own neighborhood?

To let your children consume candy and other edible items from people you don't really know -- then the rest of the year tell them not to talk to or accept food from strangers? Contradictory. Absurd. Potentially dangerous.

MIchelle Obama should get the President to sign an executive order banning Halloween it nationwide.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Positive Christian Affirmations for Mind Healing PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 19   "Positive Christian Affirmations for Mind Healing"

How to proclaim the promises of God to your own mind -- making devil spirits and evil thoughts flee in terror.

God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ know how to freak out demons and how to destroy negative influences. If you're having trouble keeping your mind free from thoughts of suicide, hopelessness, fear, dread, craving, cruelty, hatred, or confusion -- this session is for you.

Experience deep and profound mental healing and spiritual deliverance by listening to this recital of positive affirmations from the Bible. Learn how to exorcise all types of evil entities by receiving the Light of Jesus Christ into your soul.

Discover how you can use the power of scripture to frighten and intimidate the demonic forces attempting to hijack your heart. Force the malevolent and deceptive spirits to leave you alone and never come back to haunt you.

Stop losing the battle for your soul. Step up to overwhelming victory by learning how to succeed in mental wholeness and spiritual combat.

"Greater is He (God) that is in you, than he (Satan) that is in the world." - 1st John 4:4

FREE mp3 download of "Positive Christian Affirmations for Mind Healing" episode at my Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode".

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Jesus the Unique and Only Path to God PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 17   "Jesus the Unique and Only Path to God"

An examination of the uniqueness of Jesus Christ -- who He is, what He did, and what He said about Himself.

Look at how Jesus was defiant, combative, and antagonistic toward the sanctimonious "holier than thou" religious leaders, the Pharisees, of His day and time. Jesus deliberately poked a stick into the hornet's nest of the dark forces and He exposed the hypocrisy of fake spiritual guides.

The Jesus Christ of the Gospels is exalted far above all other spirits, angels, cosmic entities, "Great White Brotherhood", Buddha, Lord Maitreya, familiar spirits, gurus, and false prophets.

Today, many people think that all spiritual paths lead to heaven or to the Supreme Being. But Jesus Christ claimed that He was the only path to the Father, the Creator of the universe.

Discover astonishing attributes and aspects of Christ. Thrill to the greatness of His powers, position, and presence in the lives of those who believe in Him.

Find out how all other spiritual paths are false, dangerous, and disappointing.

FREE mp3 download of "Jesus the Unique and Only Path to God" episode at my Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode".

Friday, October 28, 2011

Deeper Secrets of Jesus Christ PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 18   "Deeper Secrets of Jesus Christ"

An exploration of some astonishing statements by Jesus Christ as recorded in the gospel of John -- statements that very few churches teach or act like they believe.

Jesus as a role model is not just an ethical or religious application. It means being supernatural on earth, and non-worldly, just like our Lord was.

We, as born again believers, have far more power and authority than many of our pastors and church leaders have explained to us.

Signs, miracles, and wonders were never meant to be limited to Jesus or His apostles or the 1st century church. In addition, there are some other things that Jesus taught, which are routinely ignored in the modern American church.

Find out modern Christians of today can step it up and be what God expects them to be.

FREE mp3 download of "Deeper Secrets of Jesus Christ" episode at my Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode".

Occupy Hell Street

As Christians, we are called to Occupy Hell Street. We are commanded to invade and disrupt this enemy territory of the demonic Domination Systems (see Walter Wink). We are to be subversive within the sphere of Satan, the realm of repressive powers arrayed against the poor, the feeble minded, the weak, those who have no one to protect them.

Occupy Hell Street. We rush to do battle against the forces of darkness in this world. Victory is assured as we speak and act upon God's Word. At some point in the future, Christ will return and set up the heavenly kingdom upon the earth. Until that blessed day, we struggle against evil and stupidity and spiritual blindness.

Occupy Hell Street. How? Heal the sick. Proclaim liberty to the captives. Preach the good news of the cross of Christ. Challenge deceptions and scams. Expose false prophets and pseudo-Christs. Confront bad pastors. Punish perverted priests. Demand that Wall Street crooks go to prison.

Occupy Hell Street. But be prepared for violent, lethal retaliation.

I woke up this morning and heard Glenn Beck on the radio saying an Occupy Phoenix statement was discovered that dealt with When To Kill A Cop. Allegedly, this document gave details on why armed and lethal resistance may be justified when a government agent tries to stop you from pursuing an inalienable right. You may have to kill them to maintain your rights.

This made me think of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Gandhi and Jesus. I thought about how peaceful protests must remain peaceful, even when violence is used against you.

I thought about Christians who own guns and brag about how they will kill any agents of the New World Order or the Anti-Christ who try to harm them.

Then I thought about how violent resistance is basically the decision to refuse to be a martyr. To be willing to kill for a cause, but not to die for a cause.

Jesus said "Resist not evil with evil. Put away thy sword. Turn the other cheek. Blessed be the peacemakers. Bless them that curse you."

Martyr. Die for a cause. Thou shalt not commit murder.

Sign me up for martyrdom, if it comes to that. I agree with the pacifist heroes and peacemakers. I stand against the warmongers, slasher films, violent video games, and brutal sports.

We Christians must be willing to be inflammatory in our speech, rushing to do battle against the forces of darkness -- and willing and ready to die as a martyr for our cause.

Occupy Hell Street my brothers and sisters in Christ -- and do not fear death or martyrdom. It may be coming sooner than you think.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

What Prevents Atheists from Believing in God PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon16   "What Prevents Atheists from Believing in God"

Take with a grain of salt what atheists tell you about why they refuse to believe in God.

Their alleged problems with faith are typically not necessarily the real reason, or the sole motivation, for why they stubbornly persist in rejecting the idea of God, and mocking people of faith and all expressions of religion.

We will examine the root cause and the shameful, secret dynamics of atheism. As we do so, we anticipate even more hostility and backlash that what we got on our previous sermon "Atheism is a Mental Illness".

We expect severe repercussions against the announcement and the delivery of this sermon, because we are going to go beyond just the delusional aspects of atheism, and unveiling the hidden sources of disbelief, which atheists will find very disturbing and embarrassing.

Our intent is to expose the tricks and schemes of Satan who has deceived and darkened the minds of unbelievers, while offering hope to those who seek spiritual truth and who grope for the one true Creator.

FREE mp3 download of "What Prevents Atheists from Believing in God" episode on my Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click "Download This Episode".

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

New theme song for CRN show on Blog Talk Radio

This is the Christian Radicalization Network.
You are now participating in a metaphysical experiment.
You will be hearing teachings that are typically
not presented in the churches of America.
We are moving forward, rushing to do battle.
This is the Christian Radicalization Network.
Our victory is assured.
We are moving forward with God's Word.
And now, our founder, online evangelist: Steven Streight.

[Music and lyrics by STR8 SOUNDS]

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Atheists are Blinded by Satan PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 15   "Atheists are Blinded by Satan"

Atheists may claim that science, reason, or philosophy have convinced them that there is no God, but the truth is that Satan has darkened their understanding.

In this episode, we take a look at why atheists typically tend to hate God, and not just disbelieve in Him, and why they often ridicule and try to destroy the faith of believers.

If atheism was a simple, innocent lack of faith, that would be one thing. But, unfortunately, atheism is generally a hostility toward God, spirituality, the Bible, and any expression of religion.

How did unbelief get this added dimension of bitter and aggressive anger at God and those who believe in God? Why are atheists so eager to rid society of all mention of God and all religious symbols? Why do atheists say that religion is a terrible thing that causes only suffering and bad things in this world?

Even if atheists claim they don't believe in God or the Devil, atheism is a deception spawned in the depths of hell, and we'll explore how the Devil uses atheists to advance his demonic purposes.

FREE mp3 download of this sermon "Atheists are Blinded by Satan" on my Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode".

Monday, October 24, 2011

Atheist Cartoon and Atheist Prayer

Atheist cartoon and atheist prayer by Steven E. Streight.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Atheism is a Mental Illness PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 14   "Atheism is a Mental Illness"

The deconstructive analysis of atheism, its root cause, and its foundation in irrationality.

Atheists cannot reason correctly and have faulty logical processes, which have been corrupted by sin and egotism.

Atheists refuse to believe in God. What keeps a person in a stubborn defiance of God? Why do unbelievers persecute believers? Why do atheists show disrespect for all religions, yet demand respect for their faith in an atheistic ideology?

Why are atheists so thin-skinned and easily offended by Christmas nativity scenes, crosses, expressions of faith, and other manifestations of religion? What is preventing the light of God'slove from shining in their hearts and setting them free?

The Bible says "the fool hath said in hisheart: there is no God". Thus, atheism is the philosophy of fools, lunatics, those who are out of touch with reality and suffering from a mind disease.

All of creation is proof that a Creator exists, just like a skyscraper is evidence that an architect and construction crew had to exist.

We will boldly examine what the Bible says about atheists, the exaggerated egotism and addictions to sin that keep them in rebellion against God.

We will also consider the terrible fate of those who never turn away from Satan and refuse to repent and give their hearts to Christ.

FREE mp3 download of this sermon "Atheism is a Mental Illness" at my show page on Blog Talk Radio. Right click on "Download This Episode".

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Revelation Letters to the 7 Churches PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 13   "Revelation Letters to the 7 Churches"

Jesus Christ wrote some letters to Christian churches. You will find these letters in the Book of Revelation (of Jesus Christ) in the Bible.

These letters are rather harsh and critical. Jesus was not happy with most of these churches and He explained why He was displeased. We'll examine the letters from Jesus to the 7 churches and see what they can tell us about the Christian church in America today.

FREE mp3 download of this sermon "Revelation Letters to the 7 Churches" available at my Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode".

First Orlando Baptist Church wrong worship VIDEO

First Orlando Baptist Church "Wrong Worship".

Thanks to GodTube.

Friday, October 21, 2011

How To Teach God's Word PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 12   "How To Teach God's Word"

Learn how you can make the Bible come alive for others. Whether you're a pastor, Sunday school teacher, youth minister, or a Christian with a burning desire to communicate Biblical truths, this session is for you.

Studies by George Barna and others show that churched people are not much different from the unchurched.

Thus, there is something horribly wrong with church leadership and Bible teachers.

Christians should not be similar to unsaved, worldly, secular people in regard to ethics, divorce, the occult, gluttony, materialism, sports addiction, music, sedatives, Hollywood movies, violent video games, obsession with money, credit card debt, selfishness, lack of self-control, cheating, lying, sloth, etc.

Help end Biblical illiteracy in America. Guided by the Holy Spirit, when your personal Bible study becomes electrifying, you can impart that enthusiasm and knowledge to your class, congregation, and audience.

Use your computer, personality, and offline relationships and interactions to communicate the message of salvation and other spiritual truths to people as they thrill to your insights and zeal.

You don't need to be an "ordained minister", a seminary professor, or a Bible college graduate to teach God's Word.

As a Christian, you have the ministry of reconciliation and the responsibility to share with others your faith and insights from your daily devotions.

FREE mp3 download of "How To Teach God's Word" lesson on my Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode".

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Destruction of Self Deception

We may never, in this life, get completely beyond a self-satisfied view of ourselves.

I myself wandered for many years, smug, self-congratulatory, elated with every single thing I said, did, and thought.

It took a series of tragic disasters in my life, brought on by my own karma, to jolt me out of my self-hypnosis, to brutally awaken me from the cozy Psycho Self Esteem dream state into which I had been lulled by success, popularity, and constant gratifications.

We stop deceiving ourselves when we see in the mirror of relationship that we are worse than we thought we were.

We stop making excuses for our "little vices and flaws" when we start evaluating ourselves against a higher standard than "everybody else is doing it" or "there are far worse people than me".

We see ourselves a little more clearly when we exhaust all our resources, hit rock bottom, find ourselves all alone and without hope -- and then the egotistic stories we tell ourselves no longer ring true.

It's nothing short of a miracle when a catastrophic upheaval in our souls occurs. It's painful. It can lead to suicidal self-loathing and overwhelming fear.

But if you've never been there, some day, if you're fortunate, if fate or karma or the hand of God comes down upon you -- oh blessed and miserable day! -- you will get the stuffing knocked out of you and you'll emerge a better person.

It has little to do with social conditioning or political brainwashing. It's far more personal and intimate than that. It's all about your ego, your defensive fortress of false tales, your carefully established comfort zone, "beautiful lies you can live in" as Leonard Cohen once put it.

May you have such a glorious tragic event soon.

And may you arise broken, limping like Jacob after wrestling with the angel, and euphoric with a self that is shattered and re-assembled in a more truthful and honest portrayal, so you may then, perhaps for the first time in your life, really make some spiritual progress.


How To Share Your Faith and Win Souls to Christ PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 11   "How To Share Your Faith and Win Souls to Christ"

Do you enjoy talking to people about the best thing that ever happened to you? Are you so full of God's Word, that it just bursts out of you in great confidence, boldness, and joy?

Are you obeying the command of Jesus to share the gospel with others and win their souls for heaven? Would you like to learn how to reach people in a smart and sweet style that is not offensive or intimidating?

We discuss the story of the Thief on the Cross and the Apostle Paul's witness to King Agrippa as Biblical extreme and classic examples of soul winning methodology.

Discover how to lead people to salvation through speaking the truth at opportune times, in love and wisdom, so that they open their hearts to God and cry out to the Lord Jesus for a new birth and eternal life.

Tips on witnessing from Charles Finney and the experience of Steven Streight, Online Evangelist, will help you witness with greater impact and personal satisfaction.

FREE mp3 download of "How To Share Your Faith and Win Souls to Christ" on my Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode" link.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Psalms: How To Talk To God PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 10  "Psalms: How to Talk to God"

Do you enjoy prayer? Do you pray to God frequently? What do you say when you pray? Would you like to pray more effectively and get answers to your prayers?

Psalms is full of prayers to God. We can learn a lot about God, our relationship to God, and how to talk to God in prayer, by reading the Psalms.

The best "daily devotional book" you can have is the book of Psalms. It is a guide to meditation, contemplation, and spiritual growth.

There is so much solid doctrine and deep information about God in Psalms, it would be a shame to not relish and rejoice in this wonderful collection of Biblical poems.

This session concludes with selections of my Str8 Sounds music, setting some Psalms lyrics to techno music.

FREE mp3 download of "Sermon 10: Psalms - How to Talk to God" episode on my Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode".

Steppenwolf monster VIDEO

Steppenwolf "Monster"

I won't post very many secular music videos on this blog, but this one is prophetic. Since 1969, nothing has changed, in fact, The Monster has only gotten worse. The 3 Headed Monster = Government, Corporations, and Banks.


Once the religious, the hunted and weary
Chasing the promise of freedom and hope
Came to this country to build a new vision
Far from the reaches of kingdom and pope
Like good Christians, some would burn the witches
Later some got slaves to gather riches

But still from near and far to seek America
They came by thousands to court the wild
And she just patiently smiled and bore a child
To be their spirit and guiding light

And once the ties with the crown had been broken
Westward in saddle and wagon it went
And 'til the railroad linked ocean to ocean
Many the lives which had come to an end
While we bullied, stole and bought our a homeland
We began the slaughter of the red man

But still from near and far to seek America
They came by thousands to court the wild
And she just patiently smiled and bore a child
To be their spirit and guiding light

The blue and grey they stomped it
They kicked it just like a dog
And when the war over
They stuffed it just like a hog

And though the past has it's share of injustice
Kind was the spirit in many a way
But it's protectors and friends have been sleeping
Now it's a monster and will not obey


The spirit was freedom and justice
And it's keepers seem generous and kind
It's leaders were supposed to serve the country
But now they won't pay it no mind
'Cause the people grew fat and got lazy
And now their vote is a meaningless joke
They babble about law and order
But it's all just an echo of what they've been told
Yeah, there's a monster on the loose
It's got our heads into a noose
And it just sits there watchin'

Our cities have turned into jungles
And corruption is stranglin' the land
The police force is watching the people
And the people just can't understand
We don't know how to mind our own business
'Cause the whole worlds got to be just like us
Now we are fighting a war over there
No matter who's the winner
We can't pay the cost
'Cause there's a monster on the loose
It's got our heads into a noose
And it just sits there watching


America where are you now?
Don't you care about your sons and daughters?
Don't you know we need you now
We can't fight alone against the monster


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Proof That You Are Saved PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 9   "Proof That You Are Saved"

Do you have eternal life? Are you a son or daughter of God? Can you prove it? How can you be sure you are a saved Christian? How does a person know beyond any doubt that they are born again, sealed with the Holy Spirit, and going to heaven when they die?

It would be horrible to just assume you were going to heaven, then find out when you die that you're going to hell. What a miserable experience that would be. Let's not let that happen.

Discover the solid evidence of salvation, the signs that indicate something real happened when you dedicated yourself to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Some Bible teachers mistakenly, in my opinion, state that to even suggest there is evidence of salvation in a person's life somehow negates grace. They say that there are no works involved in salvation, thus no outward signs that salvation has taken place.

I think these teachers are wrong, and I use scripture to show how Jesus and the early apostles mentioned what signs would accompany those who are sincerely following Jesus or are genuine born again believers.

If you've never been told how to get saved, or you've never understood what proves a person is born again, or if you've been backsliding and wonder if you ever were truly born again, this lesson is for you.

At some point in your life, you will suddenly be alarmed, on your death bed, or when you hit rock bottom, or when a cult leader challenges you, or when you just get tired of being insecure about your salvation -- and you'll want to be able to confirm that you are indeed saved, trusting Christ as your personal savior, and following Jesus as your Master and Lord.

FREE mp3 download of "Proof That You Are Saved" on my Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode".

Monday, October 17, 2011

What's Wrong with Preaching Today PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 8   "What's Wrong with Preaching Today"

A person who shares the Word of God and biblical spiritual ideas with an audience is called a preacher and the speech is called a sermon.

But -- is sitting in a pew, silently, passively absorbing a lecture from a pastor -- is this a spiritual experience? Is it the best God has for you? Is it right for the same person to always "deliver the message" from the pulpit? Do you ever get a chance to share what's on your heart, to discuss what God has been teaching you? Is something wrong with standard church formats?

The problem with preaching today is that many times, preachers read a few Bible verses, then go off on a tangent, in a grand oratory, discussing their ideas, their experiences, their understandings, their reasonings -- instead of sticking to a solid teaching based on what the Bible itself says.

Even the best preachers fall into this mode of using the Bible as a springboard to launch into a sharing, not of what the Bible means or implies, but what their own concepts are, until you have wandered rather far from the scripture text.

Or they will preach only topics that the audience is comfortable with and expect. They will avoid preaching about witchcraft, gluttony, consumerism, materialism, gambling, war and pacifism, clergy arrogance, or spiritual pride which is the worst sin of all and the sin that caused Lucifer to fall from heaven.

What happens is the focus is on preacher and his ideas, rather than on the Bible. No wonder so many church goers elevate their pastor too highly and will not tolerate any questioning of the man. No wonder so many church goers rarely read the Bible. The preacher is not making the Bible come alive for the congregation.

It's like God's message is shoved aside, and the preacher's flesh and mind take over. They may have great intentions, but the substance makes one wonder.

While it's good to speak from the heart when delivering a sermon, why not fill your heart with God's Word, then let that Word pour forth from within?

A better style of sermonizing, based on examples of sermons in the Word of God, will be described. We will also consider the motivations of the preacher, which are sometimes dubious, deceptive, or even diabolical.

Paul Washer shocking youth message

Paul Washer "Shocking Youth Message"

This is the youth message Paul Washer preached in 2002 at a conference. The audience was in shock then and many audiences continue to be shocked by it today.

Paul says the greatest heresy in the evangelical church is the idea that saying a little prayer asking Jesus to come into your heart gets you saved. He exposes the lie that you can be born again and never change your life, continue in sin, and be just like any worldly person.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Kirk Cameron Witnesses to Gang Members

Kirk Cameron Witnesses to Gang Members

On-the-street witness encounter and watch the use of God's Law (Ten Commandments) gets put into practice to convict people of their sin nature, as Kirk witnesses to gang members at Santa Monica, Southern California.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Pasolini's Gospel According to St. Matthew FILM

One of my favorite Jesus films is Pier Paolo Pasolini's "The Gospel According to St. Matthew". It's a masterful surreal black and white film by atheist Italian Marxist, and I pray that he got saved before he was murdered.

Baptism scene with English subtitles.

The review of "The Gospel According to St. Matthew" in The Guardian UK sums it up quite nicely.


Films about the Christian God are not exactly my cup of tea, being either maudlin or boringly dignified, and almost always badly acted. ....

Pasolini's The Gospel According to St Matthew, made in 1964 by a Marxist who was frequently accused of blasphemy by the Catholic church and whose attitude to religion was ambivalent.

Its portrait of the Messiah - played by Enrique Irazoqui, a young Spanish economics student with a scraggy beard - is far harsher than the usual soft saint that passes for Jesus. He is, as screenwriter and director Paul Mayersberg has suggested, "a procurer for God".

The actor wears no make-up and nor does the rest of the cast. Judas is played by a truck-driver from Rome (Otello Sestili), and Pasolini's own mother is the Virgin Mary. They are all amateurs, and the close-ups of their faces make the story seem more real than usual. The bleak hillside scenery of Calabria, where the film was made, gives the film a primitive feel that is augmented by grainy cinematography.

The soundtrack - Prokofiev, Bach, Mozart and even Billie Holiday - surprises us but can be off-putting, considering the naturalism elsewhere.

What Pasolini clearly wanted was a believable gospel, armed with real people, and the glories of the music sometimes work against this, since sublimity is not what Pasolini had in mind. He did say, however, that he was not interested in deconsecrating: "That is a fashion I hate. I want to 'reconsecrate' as much as possible."

It is a stark film (someone has described it as one-dimensional), but with clear-headed interpretative qualities that avoid the usual cliches. This Christ was a political animal, angry at social injustice. The silent cry from the cross is believable and the miracles avoid any kind of underlining comment - they just happen, with not a special effect in sight.

All this puzzled the Catholic church greatly. But it was decided to approve of the film, even though Pasolini had vastly annoyed the papacy with his episode in 1962's RoGoPaG (a compilation of four satirical films by different directors) with his parody of the deposition from the cross, and had been given a suspended prison sentence for "publicly undermining the religion of the state". (He had also been expelled from the communist party, for alleged homosexuality.)

A planned life of St Paul never materialised; instead he made the less ambitious but more popular Decameron, The Canterbury Tales and The Arabian Nights, and the more intellectual, poetic and, at times, portentous Hawks and Sparrows, Theorem, Pigsty and Medea.

He never acquired the purity of The Gospel again, and Salo (1975), his last film, went in the opposite direction - a tortured scream against fascism that almost succeeded in being fascist itself. He was a loved and sometimes hated figure of Italian culture so that his murder, almost certainly by a teenage hustler, was, and still is, interpreted by many as some sort of political conspiracy.


Here is a scene from the film. The camera work is genius, it's from the view of a spectator in the crowd, instead of the usual close-ups of Pilate and Jesus. When he shows Jesus, it's either from a distance, or an extreme close-up of His eyes. I feel that Pasolini really loved Christ.

This segment starts with Jesus healing the leper, then goes to Jesus teaching the multitudes, including during a night storm. Notice the surrealist effects with the lightning.

Something about Pasolini makes this film seem more real, although surreal, than most other Jesus films, as fine as many of them are.


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Imitating Jesus with Christ in You PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 7  "Imitating Jesus with Christ in You"

Are we to worship and admire Jesus -- or is that not enough? Are we to do more than just love Jesus? Are we really supposed to imitate Him and act like He did? How can we possibly do this?

John 13:15 "For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you."

What does the imitation of Christ look like in a person's life?

Can we, as average humans, literally obey such commmands like "love your enemies", "turn the other cheek", "heal the sick", "preach the Gospel", "deny the self", "be anxious for nothing", "take up the cross", and "love Jesus more than your family"?

Find out why salvation is NOT just "going to heaven when I die" -- salvation means imitating Jesus right now, here on earth, for the rest of your life -- and THEN going to heaven when you die.

Discover why God expects you to live your life in obedience to the teachings of Christ, and how you can do it because Christ is in you via the Holy Spirit in your heart and the Word of God in your mind.

FREE mp3 download of this message "Imitating Jesus with Christ in You" on my Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode".

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

W A Criswell the old time religion VIDEO

W. A. Criswell's last sermon 1998 "The Old Time Religion".

Mysterious Theology of Jesus Christ PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 6  "Mysterious Theology of Jesus Christ"

The gospel of John is our guide to the theology of Jesus Christ -- and you'll find this lesson to be a wild and wonderful ride toward the upper regions of cosmic truth. Discover how Jesus performed miracles to astonish and grab people's attention for the message God gave Him to communicate to us.

Jesus said some mysterious things during His ministry on earth. For carnal, materialistic people His teachings remain obscure, bizarre, or impossible to apply in their daily lives.

We will look closely at some strange and wonderful statements by Jesus Christ and how these sayings apply to us today.

Who was Jesus? Why did He come to earth? What kind of being was Christ? Who was this Father that He spoke of? Why do some people not care about Jesus and what He taught? What did Jesus say about God?

Wipe the slate clean, start from a fresh perspective, open your heart and listen to the teachings of Jesus Christ and let Him bless you and lift you up to the heavenly realm.

FREE mp3 download of this message "Mysterious Theology of Jesus Christ" on my Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode".

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Good Samaritan and Cult Evangelism

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 5  "Samaria, the Good Samaritan, and Cult Evangelism"

Samaria was the center of a rival religion to Judaism and was shunned by the Jews of Jesus' time.

The Samaritans set up a deceptive alternative, a rival religion based on the Torah (5 books of Moses) only, no other scriptures, to compete with the "spiritually correct" Jewish worship at Jerusalem.

Samaritans were a mixed race of those who followed Jehovah and also worshiped false idols. Jews considered Samaritans to be a dangerous and disgusting mind-control cult.

Jesus even instructed one group of his disciple missionaries to not enter any city of the Samaritans.

So why did Jesus speak of the Good Samaritan? Why was a Samaritan woman at the well the recipient of one of Jesus Christ's most profound spiritual teachings? Why did Philip preach the Gospel to Samaritans who were bewitched and mentally in bondage to a hypnotist sorcerer named Simon?

There's only a few hundred Samaritans left today. They have a small, urbanized community called Holon near Tel Aviv, and their holy land "reservation" atop Mt. Gerizim.

What would be the equivalent of a Samaritan today?

If Jesus were alive on earth today, would He speak of the Good Mormon? The Good Muslim? The Good Jehovah's Witness? The Good Seventh Day Adventist? The Good Scientologist?

By considering these questions and issues, we gain a deep understanding of how to witness to members of cults in our modern day.

We must avoid being holier than thou Pharisees, self-impressed and arrogant about our alleged "correct doctrine". We must love the cult member and not attack the cult, but present the Gospel by speaking the truth in love.

FREE mp3 download of "Samaria, the Good Samaritan, and Cult Evangelism" at my Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode".

Modern Samaritans praying on Mount Gerizim.


Friday, October 7, 2011

Blind Leading the Blind

Our leaders are blind.

They are leading us into mammonism and war. More wars than the USA has ever been involved in. Undeclared wars. Unaffordable wars. Immoral wars.

They will cut social programs to continue wasting money on dysfunctional companies and worthless programs. Money is controlling government, via lobbyists and corruption.

The Federal government refuses to protect our borders, ports and nuclear plants, but is eager to drop bombs and send drones into mostly Muslim nations. This is disgusting. This is not making our homeland more secure. Military adventures are wrecking our nation financially, morally and karmically.

Protest the war profiteers. Protest the warmongers. Protest the American military imperialism. Seek peaceful solutions to problems, and end the suffering of innocent civilians.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

God's War Against Wicked Governments and Men PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 4 "God's War Against Wicked Governments and Men"

This is the Voice of Pure Christianity, not the Mutterings of Counterfeit Churchianity.

Another topic you will probably never hear in a typical church. How God is disgusted with world leaders, rich exploiters, and corrupt governments.

An examination of what Psalms and Isaiah says about the rich who oppress the poor, the Presidents and Princes who exploit the People.

Why nobody "reigns" in hell and why God is constantly warning the rich and the rulers to get their act together or be destroyed with eternal torment. Why there is no escape from hell, since hell dwellers would not be happy or comfortable in heaven, because it's so peaceful and bright with divine majesty.

Psalm 1 and sections of Isaiah are studied in a devotional and inspirational methodology that will enlighten your understanding, resulting in a deeper appreciation of the goodness and love of God in your life.

FREE mp3 download of this episode at my Blog Talk Radio show page: "Sermon 4: God's War Against Wicked Governments and Men". Right click on "Download This Episode".