Saturday, February 25, 2012

Is It Sinful to Argue and Debate? PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 68 "Is It Sinful to Argue and Debate?"

What does the Bible say about argument and debate? Is it possible to argue someone into faith?

Are we obligated to enter heated discussions with people, just because they challenge or attack us verbally?

Should we enjoy arguing with people, or it that just a form of intellectual violence?

Should we get into heated discussions on social media? Or should we avoid the temptation to reply with zingers and put-downs?

Are there people who hate their lives so much, that they can only find relief from self-loathing by directing their hostility to others?

Why should we destroy our peace by getting all worked up about various topics and issues?

If we are commanded to be gentle, and not strive against foolish questions, then why do we give in to the temptation to engage in shouting matches?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Work Out Your Salvation PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 67 "Work Out Your Salvation"

"Work out your salvation with fear and trembling" the Bible says in Philippians 2:12.

Does that mean we are saved by our works, our deeds? Do we hope to be good enough in our own behavior so that we deserve to go to heaven?

So many verses in the New Testament tell us we are saved by grace and not by works.

What does it mean then? To "work out our salvation"?

Join us as we look at the immediate context of this enigmatic verse -- and discover what we are really supposed to do.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sins of the Televangelists PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 66 "Sins of the Televangelists"

As I watch, briefly, televangelists strutting around on stage, I am astonished at some of the things they say.

It's bad enough that they wear big gold jewelry and $1000 suits, which they call "wearing your blessings", when it is actually "showing off your materialism and greed".

Yesterday, my favorite female preacher on TV said something that really shocked me. I always admired her and considered her to be "The Next Billy Graham". She's more educational than evangelical, but I loved her sermons.

Now, I don't know if I can continue to watch her. I will not say her name. It's not a matter of forgiving her for imperfections, but questioning why she would say such a miserable thing.

Can one person really "pastor" a church of thousands? Are numbers important in Christian ministry? Would Jesus, if He were physically on earth today, appear on a televangelism network?

What topics are these televangelists avoiding and not preaching sermons on? Is it sin for them to shun these important issues that the church needs to hear about?

Is it biblically correct to ask for donations on TV and read off amounts contributed by individual donors ("Sam W. in Texas sent us a check for $500...)?

Join us as we confront just a few of the Sins of the Televangelists.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Death Seals Your Fate PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 65 "Death Seals Your Fate"

Eternity is characterized by irreversibility. You can't go back and live your life over again.

The judgment you receive from God in the afterlife is non-negotiable. There will be no appeal, no recourse, no reprieve, no pardon available.

You either seek God in this life, or spend your eternal afterlife apart from Him. This is a very serious matter. We all need to think very carefully and deeply about it.

In most situations of this life, we can backtrack, redo, make amends, start all over again, dig our way out, find an escape, do something to fix the mess we're in.

Not after you die. Once you're dead, your life story is finished. All you have to look forward to is a decision that God will make about whether you go to heaven forever or go to hell forever.

Forever. A long time. No way out. Be sure your eternal home is a good one. Trust Christ for your salvation.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Doom for Those Who Reject Christ PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 64 "Doom for Those Who Reject Christ"

It's a very serious thing, your reception or rejection of Christ.

This is not a gleeful condemnation of unbelivers, but a blunt cautionary tale.

To reject Christ is to insult God the Father. When God sent His Son to die for our sins AND to set an example for us to imitate and to teach the truth about God, it was a greater event than creation of the universe.

God takes it very seriously when people mock Christ and stand against those who preach the gospel and share their faith with others.

Atheists think faith is a conceptual issue that can be argued about intellectually. But that's stupid. Faith in Christ is the only way to succeed spiritually and enter the kingdom of heaven in this life and in the afterlife.

Discover how Jesus sent out his 70 disciples in Luke 10 and what He told them about those who would despise their message.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Developing a Prayer Life PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 63 "Developing a Prayer Life"

Many people think prayer is difficult and they have no idea what to say to God. Others think prayer is just for special occasions.

In reality, prayer is easy. It's simply talking to God. Thank Him. Praise Him. Tell God about your problems, troubles, and needs. Intercede for others, praying for God to help them.

You can deepen your spirituality by developing a habitual prayer life.

Learn how to make prayer a habit that sustains, encourages, and delights you -- and, by God, gets things done.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Spiritual Victory in Prayer PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 62  "Spiritual Victory in Prayer"

Each prayer is like an experiment. We have or see a need. We pray to ask God to do something, to uphold His own honor, on our behalf or in intercession for others.

God hears if we are obedient to Him.

He acts as we trust Him. The experimental aspect is that we watch to see how God will unfold His answer in our life experience. We accept what happens as His plan in response to our request and various contingencies and ramifications.

We may pray for one thing, but God first has to prepare us to be ready for that thing, so He gives us a trial, test, or tribulation, some form of training, prior to the solution we seek.

Or God may initiate a chain of events that arrives at the goal, but not in the way we envisioned it would happen.

Or the thing we want to escape is the very thing we need, so it will not be removed, at least not right now.

Prayer is simple, but there are rich applications and mysterious angles involved as we ultimately, in all our prayers, seek that His Will be done, on earth (the material realm) as it is in heaven (the immaterial realm).

When you see Him working, or consider what He has done, don't forget to praise Him and thank Him and give more of your heart to God.

Learn more secrets to gaining spiritual triumph by using prayer as a powerful tool and avenue to results.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Who Can Believe in Christ? PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 61  "Who Can Believe in Christ?"

Jesus said that only certain types of people are capable of accepting His teachings. Who are these people?

What causes some people to be receptive to the words of Christ, while others aren't the slightest bit interested, if not outright hostile to even hearing the name Jesus Christ spoken reverently?

Jesus said the road was broad that leads to destruction. Why is that so? Why is following Jesus a "narrow path" that most people reject?

Why are some people incredibly hateful toward the very idea of God? Why do some people seem to be at war against religion, spirituality, and faith in God?

What would make a person attack God and the followers of God?

Why don't some unbelievers just ignore those who have faith, much as they may ignore people who believe in UFOs, people who are vegetarians, or people who like music they don't like?

What is it about Jesus Christ and the Bible that some people cannot tolerate?

What is it that makes God-haters so ferocious and aggressively combative?

Where does this extreme hostility and anger directed at God and His people come from?

How should we, as peacemakers, deal with such God-haters?

FREE mp3 download of "Who Can Believe in Christ?" available at our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download this episode".


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Immaterialism and Path Respect

Precepts of the Christian Metaphysical Society include:

* Immaterialism Over Materialism

* Individualism Over Hierarchy

* Essence Over Surface

* Transcendence by Grace and Works

* Infinity vs. Totality (Freedom vs. Confinement)

* Respect for the Path the Other is On: No Hostility To Other Paths

* Cosmos From Logos, Not From Nothingness: thus, intelligent communication pervades the universe, not just intelligent design.

May this introduction to ramifications be gratifying to your need to comprehend some basic principles. It is best to take things a step at a time, rather than try to engulf the entirety at one glance. This measured approach will meet with approval by educators and pupils alike.

Practical applications of "Immaterialism Over Materialism" includes:

Devoting mind to pondering the Invisible God and the invisible events occurring in heaven and in your own heart as you grow in obedience and reverence.

Treasuring the words that have come to us from the invisible realm, our blessed communications from the spiritual spheres, reciting these words, teaching and obeying and transmitting them to all humanity.

Looking to what cannot be seen (what is prayed for) as eventualities, instead of locking down their non-occurrence in the immediate present.

Walking by (limitless, unconditioned, abstract) faith, not by (limited, conditioned, concrete) sight.

Doing things and making decisions based on the spiritual quality that will be negated or enhanced in self and others as a result.

Sacrificing time, money, effort, desires, feelings, justice for the sake of another. Regarding all others as superior, in many ways, to yourself, thus operationally unable to condemn, despise, or exalt yourself over them. You may confront, reprove, correct, joke about, or dismiss them, but you are unable to feel insulted or vengeful.

Resolved to never do anything from a base camp of hate, greed, envy, or anger.

Ethics based on both visible results and invisible rules.

Practical applications of "Respect for All Paths" includes:

There is no record of Jesus ever engaging in a heated debate with an atheist. The closest He came to this was a brief interlude with a Samaritan woman, saying that her clan did not worship correctly, and the Jews had the salvation (at least the doctrine of it), but that now there is true worship that is not location-based, but universal, doable anywhere at any time.

Thus, we consider arguing with an atheist or someone of another faith to be violation of evangelism. Debating  is a verbalized form of using force against another person in a combative act of mental aggression.

Evangelism is for those who have ears to hear it. Not for those who don't.

Emphasizing where someone is right, not bashing them for what you think may be wrong in their life or opinions, is the key.

Never debate someone, because that debate is conducted solely in order to "win" the debate and convert someone to your ideas, which is a form of egoism and domination, in contradiction to taking up the cross daily and following Him.

Never try to "argue somone into faith" with assertions and counter-assertions, debunking and denouncing, spitting and arm-waving and stomping your feet.

Only discuss matters of faith with a sincere seeker.

This is the commonly known "Pearls Before Swine" commandment, but I hate to bring that up, because it's inflammatory.

If someone's path has led them to atheism, we must respect that and not try to punch holes in it and present an opposing view. That is called intellectual violence.

God, faith, the Bible, the spiritual realm -- they don't need anybody to "defend" them, "prove" them, or "explain" them.

They just need people to get born again, acquire a spiritual dimension from the holy spheres, and then start learning how to walk in obedience and believing, radiating the Christ within, guided by suggestions and advice from the Holy Spirit, seeing each person as Jesus and treating them as such, as Jesus commanded us to do.

Be a peacemaker in all possible realms. That includes inter-personal relations, conversations, and choice of what discussions to participate in and what to not.

Faith is not a human achievement, so there is no way one person can impart it magically to another. You either have faith, due to a past karma, or you don't, due to current state. In other words, the seeds of faith are planted at a very young age. Those who spit the seeds out grow into withered trees producing bad fruit. There is no need to belabor the point.

Manifest the love of God.

God will prove Himself to a sincere seeker.

God can grant that seeker the gift of faith so that the spiritual world and the savior of it will be crystal clear and serviceable.

The natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

The materialist cannot admit the reality of something that comes into play from beyond mind, for he exalts the human above the divine, which he calls "nonsense" because he does not, and unbeknownst to him, cannot, know them.

Deluded by his grandiose theories and devoted to his passions for unworthy things, he resents the fact that there are believers in something he denies. He will feel bigger if he can lure someone into the arena and then proceed to do battle against faith and people of faith and practice of faith.

He sees religion as being the source of all mankind's ills, and irreligion as innocent, normal, and to be enforced upon all, until there is no more religion anywhere. That would make the world better, according to the God-hater. Then he'd be happy because his anger at God and the strict commands of God cannot be stirred up as long as nobody mentions God anymore.

He thinks atheism makes him smart, whereas the Bible says "The fool has said in his heart there is no God." The two systems of thinking clash, and cannot help but clash, but he enjoys the clashing because part of his sinful nature includes the desire to quarrel, stir up strife, get upset at people who are different from him.

Leave them alone. They are in that position for a reason.

Move on to those who need and want your words from the other realm.

Move on to the immaterialists, non-mammonists, and sincere seekers.



Monday, February 13, 2012

Str8 Sounds 100 trillion candle power MP3

Str8 Sounds "100 Trillion Candle Power" on SoundCloud.

100 trillion candle power
for all God's children
every day, each hour.

From "Luminosity" CD.


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Candi Staton count it all joy VIDEO

Candi Staton singing "Count it All Joy" on her former TBN TV show "New Direction" in 1984.

The backgroundsinger on the right is Staton's sister, maggie. The drummer is her former husband John Sussewell, who played for Ashford & Simpson and Diana Ross' "Boss" LP.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Casting Pearls Before Swine: Atheist Debates PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 58  "Casting Pearls Before Swine: Atheist Debates"

Faith is a gift, not a human achievement.

There is no record of Jesus ever debating an atheist. So don't you ever do it. Here's why...

When Adam and Eve sinned, they immediately died spiritually, and later died physically. Since humans lost their connection to God in what is called The Fall, it's a miracle for any person to trust and try to obey God.

Thus, faith (in God) is a gift from God. This wonderful gift of faith is given to anyone who sincerely turns away from their sins and evil nature, or "repents", and seeks to know and be connected with God.

Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. It is mysterious in origin but produces evidence, as we pray and receive answers, and as we obey God and reap the blessings.

So how should a Christian respond to atheists who demand an explanantion of why they believe the Bible?

Answer: Do NOT respond. You can't explain, argue, debate, or persuade an unbeliever to have faith.

You can give your testimony, or recite anecdotal evidence of prayer results, or share the Word of God, but you must not think you can "educate" or use some kind of spiritual sales techniques to bring a fallen sinner into faith toward God.

Learn how to deal with atheists who challenge you to defend your faith, when they are not sincerely seeking God and not attempting to turn away from their sinful lifestyle and selfish mentality.

FREE mp3 download of "Casting Pearls Before Swine: Atheist Debates" available on our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode."

Friday, February 3, 2012

Ashley Cleveland when this world comes to an end

Ashley Cleveland performs aboard the Music Fog/Celebrity Coaches bus in Nashville (9/19/09).
