The Christian Metaphysical Society, headquartered in the USA, has officially designated North Korean Christians as our prayer focus. We decided to select what may be the most anti-Christian and politically repressive nation on earth as our intervention target.
As we investigated the underground church in North Korea, we were surprised to discover that North Korean believers seem to be more worried about us than we are about them. Our treasures tend to be on earth, not heaven. Our faith is weak and untested because we don't face severe persecution.
The Christian church in America is increasingly materialistic, money-loving, warmongering, and apostate. American Christians tend to be worldly, heretical, unbiblical, lazy, hedonistic, self-centered, and void of missionary zeal.
We are in such rotten shape, it's becoming hard to distinguish Christian pastors from corporate CEOs or New Age shamans.
Worship services are loud rock concerts, hymnals are vanishing, weird and grotesque manifestations are proclaimed to be signs of the Holy Spirit, and false unscriptural doctrines are being delivered in popular books sold at Christian bookstores.
Stuffed with the false "prosperity gospel", American Christians are often obsessed with obtaining more material blessings from God, more luxuries, jewelry, houses, cars, and expensive clothing -- and care little to nothing about impoverished and persecuted members of the Body of Christ.
Growing fat, smug, and narcissistic, the lukewarm, pleasure-craving church of America is in moral decay and spiritual decline.
Perhaps this is why America is being punished with corrupt leaders, bad economic decisions, destructive storms, rising unemployment, and increased crime rates.
This abandoning of the faith once delivered to the apostles is why North Koreans pity us and pray for our enlightenment.
Here are some of the bitter realities that face you when you become a born again follower of Jesus Christ in North Korea:
(1) Owning a Bible can result in spending the rest of your life in prison, tortured and malnourished.
(2) People are publicly executed for distributing Bibles, which are banned by the government.
(3) Christianity is considered a propaganda tool of the United States and thus it is hated by the North Korean leaders.
(4) Christians are often labeled as "spies" for America or South Korea and are thus viewed as enemies of the nation.
(5) The official state religion is Juche. This personality cult of Juche is the worship of Kim Il Sung, former leader, as God and now
Kim Jung Il, the nation's current leader, as the Son of God -- similar to the situation of the early Christians in Rome, where they had to confess Caesar as Lord.
(6) Spiritual life is said to not exist. According to Juche, there is only physical life and political life. It is political life that is eternal.
(7) Pictures of the nation's leaders are posted everywhere and the people are commanded to venerate and honor these images.
(8) Pyongyang ("Flat Land)", the capitol of North Korea, experienced in 1907 a miraculous repentance revival. A cataclysmic Christian spiritual revolution occurred that lasted for 40 years. This revival expanded both Christianity and modernity throughout Korea. Protestant churches popped up all over the country. Pyongyang was called "the Jerusalem of the East".
North Korea articles
North Korean Christians
Christianity Today articles on
North Korean Christianity
Sermons on North Korea at
North Korean Audio Weblog at
Hackberry House of Chosun at