Saturday, December 17, 2011

Why God is Called Light PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 55  "Why God is Called Light"

Discover why the Bible says God is light. What does that mean? Why is light a great and common symbol of God?

While the Bible warns against pagan worship of sun, moon, and stars, it also praises them as wonderful creations of God. The sun during the day and the moon at night are symbolic of God observing everything that happens here on Earth. God's presence, awareness, and supreme majesty are represented by lights in the sky.

Scientists tell us that sunlight can improve our mood, fertility health, regulate our sleep patterns and hormone levels (particularly melatonin and seratonin), facilitate vitamin D production for healthy bones, and may even decrease Alzheimer symptoms.

If God is light, who or what is darkness? What does it mean to walk in light and to be children of light? Why is darkness so dangerous and to be avoided?

When the Word of God refers to light, what is the context and how can we apply this knowledge to our daily lives?

How do we know if we have found the True Light? How do we remain within this True Light and not be deceived by False Light?

FREE mp3 download of "Why God is Called Light" available at our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode."


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