Monday, February 20, 2012

Sins of the Televangelists PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 66 "Sins of the Televangelists"

As I watch, briefly, televangelists strutting around on stage, I am astonished at some of the things they say.

It's bad enough that they wear big gold jewelry and $1000 suits, which they call "wearing your blessings", when it is actually "showing off your materialism and greed".

Yesterday, my favorite female preacher on TV said something that really shocked me. I always admired her and considered her to be "The Next Billy Graham". She's more educational than evangelical, but I loved her sermons.

Now, I don't know if I can continue to watch her. I will not say her name. It's not a matter of forgiving her for imperfections, but questioning why she would say such a miserable thing.

Can one person really "pastor" a church of thousands? Are numbers important in Christian ministry? Would Jesus, if He were physically on earth today, appear on a televangelism network?

What topics are these televangelists avoiding and not preaching sermons on? Is it sin for them to shun these important issues that the church needs to hear about?

Is it biblically correct to ask for donations on TV and read off amounts contributed by individual donors ("Sam W. in Texas sent us a check for $500...)?

Join us as we confront just a few of the Sins of the Televangelists.

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