Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Who Can Believe in Christ? PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 61  "Who Can Believe in Christ?"

Jesus said that only certain types of people are capable of accepting His teachings. Who are these people?

What causes some people to be receptive to the words of Christ, while others aren't the slightest bit interested, if not outright hostile to even hearing the name Jesus Christ spoken reverently?

Jesus said the road was broad that leads to destruction. Why is that so? Why is following Jesus a "narrow path" that most people reject?

Why are some people incredibly hateful toward the very idea of God? Why do some people seem to be at war against religion, spirituality, and faith in God?

What would make a person attack God and the followers of God?

Why don't some unbelievers just ignore those who have faith, much as they may ignore people who believe in UFOs, people who are vegetarians, or people who like music they don't like?

What is it about Jesus Christ and the Bible that some people cannot tolerate?

What is it that makes God-haters so ferocious and aggressively combative?

Where does this extreme hostility and anger directed at God and His people come from?

How should we, as peacemakers, deal with such God-haters?

FREE mp3 download of "Who Can Believe in Christ?" available at our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download this episode".


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