Thursday, March 1, 2012

Focus on Things Above PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 69 "Focus on Things Above"

There's a lot going on in the world that is evil, depressing, and demotivating.

If you spend too much time watching the news on TV, it could drive you crazy, all that suffering, strife, and negative information.

The demons know their party is coming to a screeching halt soon. That's why they're causing as much turmoil, war, rape, exploitation of the poor, sickness, lunacy, and despair. Satan and his minions hate the human race because we were created in the image of God.

Why allow yourself to be sucked into the swirls of confusion, hostility, fear, craving, and lust?

Instead, let's concentrate on Christ, what He has done for us, how He continues to protect and bless us, and how we will someday reside in Eternity with God and the angels and saints.

We must obey God's Word and spend more time thinking about heavenly things than we spend thinking about the world's sin and insanity.

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