Pray for those in authority. Confront them when necessary.
Remember how John the Baptist confronted Herod Antipas -- and John was beheaded.
Law enforcement use of excessive force, in the New Testament. John was innocent. He broke no law by voicing reproof and dissent toward the government ruler.
Authority can be very kind, and also extremely cruel, but we remain fearless, scrutinizing, and compassionate.
Here's what you need to know about leaders and authorities, including politicians, cops, pastors, priests, and military:
1. They serve us.
2. They are not above the law.
3. They need scrutiny, not trust, to do their job.
4. They are to be rewarded and praised for doing good.
5. They are to be punished and shamed for doing wrong.
6. They must not be treated any differently from the average person.
7. They are not "elite" in any way, they are just chosen temporarily -- sometimes trained properly, sometimes not.
8. They are not smart enough to deceive the public for long.
9. They are more hidden and secretive than the public is allowed to be.
10. The good ones need our encouragement, appreciation, and support.
11. The bad ones need to find a new job.
12. They will receive repercussions for their crimes, from down in the "unwashed masses,"the activists and voters, or from higher authorities.
Never give officials "the benefit of the doubt." That's for chumps. Con artists and manipulators are always chanting about "the benefit of the doubt." Give authorities scrutiny instead. Force them to submit to accountability.
Peaceful protest and resistance to the Domination System is the only valid and effective response. Violence, hatred, and anger are self-defeating and just prompt more brutality and repression.
Jesus is our role model.
He never retaliated violently. He did knock over the table of the money-changers in the temple. An outburst of annoyance is normal, but vendettas and revenge are the Lord's business. He has installed the law of what is called karma in this world.
Reap what you sow. And then, the Final Judgment which is clear, bright, undeceived, impartial, and equal for all.
Do NOT resist evil with more evil. Destroy evil by exposing it, humiliating it, heckling it, boycotting it, obstructing it, demanding justice -- and seeking transformation of wicked ones into righteous people.
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