Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Proof That You Are Saved PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 9   "Proof That You Are Saved"

Do you have eternal life? Are you a son or daughter of God? Can you prove it? How can you be sure you are a saved Christian? How does a person know beyond any doubt that they are born again, sealed with the Holy Spirit, and going to heaven when they die?

It would be horrible to just assume you were going to heaven, then find out when you die that you're going to hell. What a miserable experience that would be. Let's not let that happen.

Discover the solid evidence of salvation, the signs that indicate something real happened when you dedicated yourself to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Some Bible teachers mistakenly, in my opinion, state that to even suggest there is evidence of salvation in a person's life somehow negates grace. They say that there are no works involved in salvation, thus no outward signs that salvation has taken place.

I think these teachers are wrong, and I use scripture to show how Jesus and the early apostles mentioned what signs would accompany those who are sincerely following Jesus or are genuine born again believers.

If you've never been told how to get saved, or you've never understood what proves a person is born again, or if you've been backsliding and wonder if you ever were truly born again, this lesson is for you.

At some point in your life, you will suddenly be alarmed, on your death bed, or when you hit rock bottom, or when a cult leader challenges you, or when you just get tired of being insecure about your salvation -- and you'll want to be able to confirm that you are indeed saved, trusting Christ as your personal savior, and following Jesus as your Master and Lord.

FREE mp3 download of "Proof That You Are Saved" on my Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode".

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