Saturday, November 26, 2011

Are There Special Anointed Leaders Today? PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 43 "Are There Special Anointed Leaders Today?"

What does the word "anointing" mean? Is anyone anointed today?

Some false Christian teachers, fake apostles, and bad pastors run to the cover of "touch not my anointed" when you try to examine their doctrines, morality, or "miracles" and test them by the light of God's Word.

Some will even pronounce a curse or death wish on anybody who dares to scrutinize them or question their statements and practices.

What does the Old Testament scriptural phrase "touch not my anointed" mean? To whom did it refer? Did it mean to never question, criticize, or scrutinize a person?

Can a service, ministry, music, prayer cloth, website be "anointed"? When charismatic groups say "anointed" are they using the word correctly? Why has "anointed" become a buzz word implying "specially empowered for miraculous works" or "better than others"?

Are special leaders anointed -- or is every Christian believer the recipient of an anointing from God?

FREE mp3 download of "Are There Special Anointed Leaders Today?" on our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode."


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