Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Most Difficult Command of Jesus PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 20    "Most Difficult Command of Jesus"

It's not easy to show compassion to your enemies. How many of us have ever done it?

When was the last time you did something, not because you wanted to do it, but because Jesus said to do it?

Do we bless those who curse us, or do we consider that a nice sentiment, but feel we cannot possibly implement or practice such a bizarre command?

Does showing compassion to enemies make us a chump, a coward, a masochist, a willing victim, a Stockholm Syndrome martyr who lets anybody walk all over them? What does it mean to "turn the other cheek"? Is that an invitation for someone to keep abusing you? Or does it signify that you cannot be insulted?

You've probably known people who aren't happy unless they're unhappy. People who seem to enjoy suffering, who play the martyr, who seem like they like being victimized, because it gives them something to complain about, something to attract attention to themselves. It reminds you of the phrase "MIsery loves company".

They seem to want sympathy, and not solutions. They seem to enjoy griping about things, and they resent any suggestion on how to stop enabling the attacker or allowing this suffering to continue.

How does this most difficult command of Jesus work in everyday life? What does it look like in practical application? How is it different from being a wimpy loser who invites others to mistreat them, and is easy to exploit and fun to harm?

FREE mp3 download of this "Most Difficult Command of Jesus" sermon on my Blog Talk Radio show page.

Right click on "Download This Episode".

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