Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The World According To Ecclesiastes PODCAST

Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio

Sermon 45  "The World According To Ecclesiastes"

Is the chaos and dysfunctionality of this world making you depressed? Cheer up. It has always been messed up, as our tour through the book of Ecclesiastes will show.

There is "nothing new under the sun." Just changing combinations of the same old junk. You drink the same water Jonah jumped into.

All the stupidity and cruelty keeps circulating endlessly, recycling relentlessly, being "reborn" with every new generation.

Nobody learns from the past, or pays attention to the present, or cares about the future. There has NEVER been a "Golden Age" of anything.

The "good old days" and "the coming New Age" are a myth. Some things are getting better, but most things are getting worse.

Ecclesisastes is a book of godly cynicism toward the horrible mess this world is in and how the believer in God should look at it.

This book doesn't pull any punches. It lays out exactly what's wrong with the world system of domination and exploitation. It also gives us a solid, practical viewpoint that can help us manage our lives in the evil, stupid, and insane world in which we sojourn.

"That which is crooked cannot be made straight, and that which is lacking cannot be numbered." Ecclesisiastes 1:15

We will consider the existential, skeptical, ethical, and deconstructive aspects of the contemplative thought that is expressed in Ecclesiastes, and the answers it provides for many of today's troubling issues

Discover how the profound philosophy of Ecclesiastes can actually encourage you to keep striving to succeed and win your battles, for as the world grows darker, you just shine that much brighter.

FREE mp3 download of "The World According To Ecclesiastes" on our Blog Talk Radio show page. Right click on "Download This Episode."


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